Kansetsu International Co.,Ltd.
White smoke removal system
Oleum smoke removal system

This fuming sulfuric acid smoke removal system works to collect the mist by applying Brownian-Diffusion Principle.

Oleum smoke removal system

This system works to enlarge the particle of mist by reacting atmospheric moisture and to remove over 99.99% of mist by special fiber element.



Heat Exchangers
„¥„  Ultra High Purity PFA Heat Exchanger of Teflon®
„¥ Heat Exchanger of Teflon®
„¥ Module Type Heat Exchaner of Teflon®
„¤ Plastic Heat Exchanger
Environmental Equipments
„¥ Mist Eliminator B-GON®
„¤ White smoke removal system
„¥ Oleum smoke removal system

„¤ Ammonium chloride smoke removal system